In early 2010, Sydney Brenner, wrote an article for the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society entitled ‘Sequences and consequences’. In this article, Brenner claims: The new science of Systems Biology […] will fail because deducing models of function from the behaviour of a complex system is an inverse […]
systems biology
3 posts
Seattle skyline I probably should have written this entry some time ago, but I guess I have been a bit preoccupied with everything that has been happening lately… In any case, here is the worse-kept secret ever: I am leaving Manchester and the UK! I have accepted a job at […]
As I have already mentioned in previous posts, one of the motivations for starting Page V was to talk about my research. So what do I do? This is a question I always dread. In trying to explain my work to casual company, I usually do so badly that I […]