How would people react if Starbucks bought their favorite local coffee shop? Or if Halliburton bought Greenpeace? Or if the Rebel Alliance… allied itself with the Galactic Empire? Judging by the outburst of the online scientific community one would think all three happened at once when, on April 8th 2013, […]
My favourite Cavafy poem is a slightly obscure one. It has always spoken to me on a deeply spiritual level. As much as you can by C. P. Cavafy Even if you cannot shape your life as you want it, at least try this as much as you can; […]
Hi. My name is also V. It’s not really. That’s not even a real name! My name is Vangelis. Unless you actually check my ID, which says that my name is Evangelos. It is about at this point that people either think I am pulling their leg, or just give […]
or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the changing meanings of the “V for Vendetta” mask. In a BBC feature today, the Man himself, Mr Alan Moore, discussed the emergence of the Guy Fawkes mask that is my profile picture-sake (on facebook and google) and pretty much […]
This is the best and most famous poem by Cavafy. Once, in London, I saw this poem pinned on the wall in the home of a French girl I was visiting. In a Spanish translation! Apparently, a Colombian guy had given it to her and told her it was his […]
The city by C. P. Cavafy translated By Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard You said: “I’ll go to another country, go to another shore, find another city better than this one. Whatever I try to do is fated to turn out wrong and my heart lies buried like something dead. […]
Seattle skyline I probably should have written this entry some time ago, but I guess I have been a bit preoccupied with everything that has been happening lately… In any case, here is the worse-kept secret ever: I am leaving Manchester and the UK! I have accepted a job at […]
My life has not been nearly as exciting as that. I was born in Greece, in the northern city of Thessaloniki, and lived there for the first 25 years of my life. I studied Chemical Engineering, and then moved to London for a Master and PhD. And for the […]